Choose your favorite itinerary among the proposed categories A trip through Sicily of nature, fishing tourism, culture, land and sea.


The pelagic fish dive

The Secchitello consists of a series of “pinnacles” that rise from the sandy seabed at a depth of 50 m, and features a series of tops, the shallowest of which is located at 24 m. It marks the beginning of a free fall. A few metres away there is a trough surmounted by high rocky ridges, which is known as the “catino” (or “bowl”). At a depth ranging from 30 to 35 m, the route can vary depending on the current and the number of fish encountered.

IMPORTANT. The site is difficult to locate and can be reached with the help of more experienced guides. 

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The barbary pirate ship of Punta Libeccio

Just north of Punta Libeccio, at about 100 m from the coast, a site known as the “Relitto dei Cannoni” (the “Wreckage of Cannons’’) can be found at a depth of 15 m. The gently sloping seabed, which is characterised by naturally split rocks alternating with clearings of sand and gravel, contains traces of an ancient shipwreck: eight cannons of uniform size and characteristics, six of which are lying in disarray along a vaguely rectilinear axis, while the other two are offset by about 20 m to the west. The total distance between the farthest cannons is about 30 m. 

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The archaeological and naturalistic dive

The northern tip of Punta Falconiera is characterised by a rocky wall that is interrupted to the east, at a depth of about 15 m, by a sandy valley with banks of sea grass. In this direction, you will descend to a depth of about 30 m, where you will encounter a steep slope made up of sand and organogenic debris. Following the guiding rope, you will come to a slightly sloping plateau at a depth of 20 m. Continuing southward, you will descend to a depth of 30 m, where the seabed consists of a series of sloping steps with large isolated rocks and banks of sea grass, while beyond the escarpment the sea floor is sandy and covered by debris. Nearby, you will find a rocky wall covered by crevices that you can follow to reach the dive’s end point. 

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